Listen to lana del rey beautiful people beautiful problems
Listen to lana del rey beautiful people beautiful problems

listen to lana del rey beautiful people beautiful problems

Because it don’t matter how long it stretches, Lana won’t stop until she’s said everything that’s on her mind!! But it doesn’t become any boring thanks to this impressive and poignant of a record. With 16 full-length tracks, the run-time comes up to around an hour and 15 minutes or something.

listen to lana del rey beautiful people beautiful problems

There’s perhaps one problem with the record (if, any) that it’s quite long. if to be seen collectively, work very well on almost all cases. To play someone’s game or live my own lifeĪlbum’s filled with mighty collaborations from Stevie Nicks to The Weeknd to A$AP Rocky and more, which are. I never really noticed that I had to decide

listen to lana del rey beautiful people beautiful problems

I want to get off, but I keep riding the ride “.Sometimes it feels like I’ve got a war in my mind In one of the tracks, she’s afraid of the (Trumpesque) America’s future, singing –īut Lana sure does end the record on a positive note, though still sounding a bit vulnerable, with lines – “.I’m smoking while I’m runnin’ on my treadmillĬould it be that I fell for another loser? In “ In my Feelings” talkin’ about one of her failed relationships, she sings –

  • When the World Was at War We Kept Dancing.
  • God Bless America – and All the Beautiful Women in It.
  • Talking about the subject matter of the album, most of it you can probably get some idea from the slightly self-explanatory tiltles of the songs on the record, which are like – Though it’s funny how Lana with her melodious voice and her dream/baroque pop tunes, which feels so beautiful to listen, goes on to sing quite dark things sometimes. There’s no way you’ll ever get bored of listening to a couple of hours of this Dream pop ‘s ultimate queen’s gorgeous music. Production wise Del Rey’s albums have always been great. Got many things to say, this woman, in this her 5th LP. Same story with our understanding of God.Elizabeth Woolridge Grant / Lana Del Rey ‘s new album “ Lust for Life” is a marvelous record, period. This is such a powerful metaphor: we often have what we want and need in front of us but we misunderstand or completely miss it, because it appears differently from our personal view. This drives the female to doubt if its worth it at all. The man loves the girl but he is hard and cannot express this. (Possible reference to Norman Rockwell’s lyrics: “ Cause you're just a manįemale sees a godlike man but he is removed and distant (much like God to us). Women often make gods of their men, love is the endall in all our dreams and it often disappoints as we see them for who they are, mere men. The sky was blue to God and here the female looks down to a blue shirt, worn by her man. The next phrase goes back to the comparison guide, this time focusing in on the female perspective. We cant be angry towards God because this is just how life is, we try our best and thats really all we can control.

    listen to lana del rey beautiful people beautiful problems

    Kid wants to ride a bike down the street but the parent knows that cars speed past the house. Its similar to disciplining a child or pet they might not understand why they cant get what they want but the adult knows that the desire will cause them harm ie. God knows this is simply the way of men, He is not oblivious to them but He knows they are meaningless in the greater scheme. Our problems are actually quite petty and we have tunnel vision. Next we have man complaining about insignificant daily feats, missing the bigger picture and overall marvel of the universe. Green is the planet from the eyes of a turtle dove “Blue is the color of the planet from the view above This sets the tone on how we should analyze the rest of the song from one level higher than our current perspective. Beauty soon turns to violence/death when the view zooms closer to man and daily life. Beautiful landscapes are visible when you zoom in to a birds perspective (they are still in the sky but much closer to earth than outer space). The first lines are compared views from above, almost like a first person gaming experience.īlue sky could refer to what God sees when He looks down, like a image from space. Possibly another reference to God and He’s somewhat removed yet omnipresent view on us:

    Listen to lana del rey beautiful people beautiful problems